
Say no to racism


I would like to collaborate with all writers around the world to write a piece about racism. If you are interested leave a comment and email me @

By noble acquah

Hello, I'm Noble. A Writer, Designer and Innovator. I'm the founder and host of The Flashback Show and Freestyle Saturday. The Flashback Show. An online platform to interact with professionals, young and rising change makers as they reveal the real and blur nature of their work. This is to support them and motivate others.. There's a discussion section where we discuss issues like, child labour, teenage pregnancy and many more. I have interviewed award winning musicians, actresses, actors, etc. both in Ghana and other counties. This platform has promoted a lot of young entrepreneurs. For the "Freestyle Saturday",
If you're a singer/musician, spokenword artist, make-up artist or if you draw, etc. then you're invited.
Don't worry about location, it's an online freestyle section.

You can kindly email me
for more details.

You can kindly visit the link below to check it out...
Thank you

7 replies on “Say no to racism”

Say no to racism is a collaboration am doing with other writers around the world. All you have to do it to write a piece and mail it to me with your details(name, facebook, WordPress, twitter etc) which I will tag you after the release…

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